Benefits of OSL Dosimeters

Benefits of OSL Dosimeters

Durability of the OSL Dosimeter

OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) dosimeters are known for their exceptional durability. These dosimeters are designed to withstand various challenging conditions with minimal damage. They are highly resistant to temperature extremes, whether it is exposure to high or low temperatures or sudden fluctuations in temperature. Unlike TLD (Thermoluminescent Dosimeter) crystals, OSL badges are significantly less prone to damage from moisture and humidity. One of the impressive features of OSL badges is their ruggedness. Dropping an OSL dosimeter usually does not lead to any damage, as long as the plastic case remains intact. These dosimeters are also capable of enduring high humidity levels, extreme heat and cold, and sudden temperature changes. OSL badges can even be submerged in water for long periods of time, which means they can handle being accidentally put through a washer and dryer without being affected. On the other hand, TLD dosimeters are comparatively more delicate. They are more susceptible to damage caused by high or low temperatures, sudden changes in temperature, moisture, and humidity. If a TLD dosimeter becomes damaged, it generally needs to be replaced. Over time, the costs of these replacements can accumulate, which can be a significant consideration. One important aspect to note is that there is a risk associated with wearing a damaged dosimeter. If an employee continues to wear a damaged dosimeter, there is a possibility that their doses will not be accurately recorded. This could potentially lead to inaccurate monitoring and evaluation of their radiation exposure. Therefore, when it comes to durability, OSL dosimeters are generally considered to be much more resilient and durable compared to TLD dosimeters. Their ability to withstand various harsh conditions and potential accidents makes them a reliable choice for radiation monitoring.Dosimeter Badges Used in Radiology healthcare x-rays

The read method for OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) dosimeters involves using light in a non-destructive manner. In contrast, TLD (Thermoluminescent Dosimetry) dosimeters are read using heat in a destructive process. It should be noted that reading a TLD dosimeter releases the trapped energy, resetting the crystal back to zero and making it impossible to re-read.

Lower Limits of Radiation Detection

The lower limit of detection (LLD) is a crucial factor when selecting a dosimeter, as it determines the minimum level of radiation exposure that the dosimeter can accurately measure. This is particularly important in ensuring that any potentially harmful doses of radiation are not missed. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimeters and Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD) have specific considerations regarding their LLD. OSL dosimeters typically have a lower LLD compared to TLD dosimeters. OSL dosimeters can have an LLD as low as 1-10 μSv (microsievert), while TLD dosimeters usually have a higher LLD, often above 10 μSv. A lower LLD is advantageous because it reduces the likelihood of missing even small doses of radiation during a given wear period. This is important for adhering to the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle, which aims to minimize radiation exposure to the lowest possible level. To illustrate the significance of a lower LLD, let’s consider an example. Suppose an x-ray technician wears a dosimeter with an LLD of 10 μSv and is exposed to 9 μSv of radiation each month. If the reported dose is determined solely by the dosimeter’s LLD, it would be labeled as “minimal” each month. However, over a year, the accumulated missed dose could reach up to 100 μSv (9 μSv * 12 months = 108 μSv). This accumulation of missed doses might eventually exceed the ALARA limits, potentially posing health risks. It’s important to note that while some dosimeters may advertise an LLD below 10 μSv, particularly in the case of TLD dosimeters, the precision of measurement at such low levels of exposure tends to decline. This suggests that relying on dosimeters with lower LLDs might yield less accurate results for doses below 10 μSv under routine conditions. Therefore, caution should be exercised when considering dosimeters with excessively low LLDs. In summary, the LLD for OSL dosimeters can be as low as 1-10 μSv, while for TLD dosimeters, it is typically higher, often above 10 μSv. A lower LLD is important in accurately measuring radiation exposure and preventing potential health risks from missed doses. However, it’s essential to consider the precision of dosimeters at very low dose levels when selecting devices with particularly low LLDs.

Radiation Exposure in the Workplace

Radiation Exposure in the Workplace

Radiation Exposure in the Workplace

Are you concerned about radiation exposure in your workplace? Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) badges may be the answer to your worries. These badges are the future of radiation detection and provide accurate measurements to ensure your safety. With their advanced technology and precise readings, OSL badges are quickly becoming the go-to choice for many industries.

Unlike traditional radiation detectors, OSL badges utilize a unique process. When exposed to radiation, the badges trap the energy from the radiation. Later, when exposed to light, the badges release this stored energy in the form of visible light. This light is then measured and analyzed to determine the level of radiation exposure.

Not only are OSL badges highly sensitive, but they also provide a more reliable and accurate measurement than other types of badges. This makes them incredibly valuable in environments where radiation exposure is a concern, such as healthcare facilities, nuclear power plants, and industrial settings. When working with OSL badges, consider utilizing four element over three as they offer more accurate readings.

How OSL badges work

OSL badges are designed to accurately measure radiation exposure by utilizing a process known as optically stimulated luminescence. This process involves two key steps: trapping and releasing energy. When an OSL badge is exposed to radiation, the energy from the radiation is trapped within the badge’s material.

Later, when the badge is exposed to light, the trapped energy is released in the form of visible light. This light emission is proportional to the amount of radiation the badge was exposed to. By measuring the intensity of the emitted light, the level of radiation exposure can be determined.

The OSL process is highly sensitive and allows for precise measurements, even at low levels of radiation. This makes OSL badges ideal for environments where accurate detection is crucial, such as medical facilities, research laboratories, and industrial settings. The ability to accurately measure radiation exposure is essential for ensuring the safety of workers and the public.

Advantages of using OSL badges for radiation detection

OSL badges offer several advantages over other types of radiation detectors, making them the preferred choice for many industries. One of the key advantages is their high sensitivity. OSL badges can detect even low levels of radiation, providing accurate measurements in a wide range of environments.

Additionally, OSL badges offer a wide dynamic range, meaning they can accurately measure radiation exposure across a broad spectrum. This makes them suitable for various applications, from medical imaging to industrial radiography.

Another advantage of OSL badges is their energy independence. Unlike some other detectors that require batteries or power sources, OSL badges do not rely on external energy sources for operation. This makes them more reliable and eliminates the risk of power failure during critical moments.

Furthermore, OSL badges have a long shelf life and are resistant to environmental factors such as temperature and humidity. This ensures that the badges remain accurate and reliable over extended periods, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Overall, the advantages of using OSL badges for radiation detection make them a superior choice for industries where accurate measurements and reliable performance are essential.

Comparison with other radiation detection methods

While there are various methods for radiation detection, OSL badges stand out for their superior performance and accuracy. Let’s compare OSL badges with other commonly used radiation detection methods to understand their strengths and limitations.

1. Film Badges: Film badges are one of the traditional methods for radiation detection. They consist of a piece of photographic film enclosed in a protective case. When exposed to radiation, the film darkens, indicating radiation exposure. However, film badges have limitations in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, and ease of use. OSL badges, on the other hand, offer higher sensitivity, precise measurements, and a more user-friendly approach.

2. Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs): TLDs are another widely used method for radiation detection. TLDs work on a similar principle to OSL badges, where radiation exposure is measured by the release of stored energy. However, TLDs require heating to release the trapped energy, while OSL badges only require exposure to light. This makes OSL badges more convenient and faster to read.

3. Pocket Ionization Chambers: Pocket ionization chambers are small devices that measure radiation exposure by detecting the ionization of air molecules. While these devices offer real-time measurements, they are not as sensitive as OSL badges and may not provide accurate readings for low levels of radiation.

In comparison, OSL badges excel in sensitivity, accuracy, ease of use, and convenience, making them the preferred choice for many industries.

Applications of OSL badges in different industries

OSL badges find applications in a wide range of industries where radiation exposure is a concern. Let’s explore some of the key industries that benefit from the use of OSL badges.

1. Healthcare Facilities: OSL badges are extensively used in healthcare facilities, including hospitals, medical imaging centers, and dental clinics. They ensure the safety of healthcare professionals who work with X-ray machines, CT scanners, and other medical imaging equipment. OSL badges provide accurate measurements of radiation exposure, allowing healthcare providers to monitor and manage the risks associated with their work.

2. Nuclear Power Plants: Nuclear power plants rely on OSL badges to monitor radiation exposure for their employees. Workers in nuclear power plants are exposed to various sources of radiation, and OSL badges provide an accurate assessment of their exposure levels. This information helps in implementing safety measures and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

3. Industrial Settings: Industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and construction often involve processes that emit radiation. OSL badges are used to monitor radiation exposure in these settings, protecting workers from potential health risks. By accurately measuring radiation levels, OSL badges help companies maintain a safe working environment and comply with safety regulations.

4. Research and Development: OSL badges play a crucial role in research laboratories and development facilities where radiation is used for various purposes. Whether it’s testing materials, conducting experiments, or developing new technologies, OSL badges provide accurate measurements to ensure the safety of researchers and staff.

Regulatory requirements for using OSL badges

The use of OSL badges for radiation detection is subject to regulatory requirements to ensure safety and compliance. Different countries and industries may have specific regulations in place. Here are some common regulatory aspects to consider when using OSL badges:

1. Dose Limits: Regulatory bodies set dose limits for radiation exposure in different industries. These limits define the maximum allowable radiation dose that individuals can be exposed to. OSL badges play a crucial role in monitoring and ensuring compliance with these limits.

2. Record Keeping: Many regulatory authorities require companies and organizations to maintain records of radiation exposure for their employees. OSL badges provide accurate measurements that can be used for record keeping and compliance purposes.

3. Quality Assurance: Regulatory standards often require regular calibration and quality assurance of radiation detection equipment, including OSL badges. Companies must ensure that their OSL badges are calibrated correctly and meet the required standards to ensure accurate measurements.

It is essential to stay updated with the regulatory requirements in your industry and comply with them to ensure the safety of workers and meet legal obligations.radiation dosimeter badge OSL

How to choose the right OSL badge provider

Selecting the right OSL badge provider is crucial to ensure the reliability and accuracy of radiation measurements. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing an OSL badge provider:

1. Accreditation and Certification: Look for a provider that is accredited and certified by relevant regulatory bodies. This ensures that the provider follows industry best practices and meets the necessary quality standards.

2. Experience and Expertise: Consider the provider’s experience and expertise in the field of radiation detection. A well-established provider with a track record of delivering reliable results is more likely to meet your requirements.

3. Technical Support and Training: Assess the level of technical support and training provided by the provider. Ensure that they offer assistance with badge reading, interpretation of results, and any troubleshooting that may be required.

4. Cost and Flexibility: Consider the cost of the OSL badges and associated services offered by the provider. Compare prices and evaluate the flexibility of their pricing plans to find the best fit for your budget and requirements. offers a complete dosimeter service while saving you money.

OSL radiation badge reading and reporting process

The process of reading and reporting OSL badges involves several steps to ensure accurate measurements and proper documentation. Here is a general overview of the OSL badge reading and reporting process:

1. Badge Collection: Collect the OSL badges from employees at the end of their monitoring period, typically every month or quarter.

2. Badge Reader Operation: Place the collected badges into a specialized OSL badge reader. The reader exposes the badges to specific light conditions to stimulate the release of trapped energy.

3. Light Measurement: The reader measures the intensity of the light emitted by the badges. This measurement is proportional to the amount of radiation exposure.

4. Data Interpretation: The measured light intensity is converted into radiation dose values using calibration factors. These values are then interpreted to assess the level of radiation exposure for each individual.

5. Reporting and Documentation: The results are documented and reported to the respective individuals, their employers, and regulatory authorities as required. This documentation is essential for record keeping and compliance purposes.

The OSL badge reading and reporting process should be carried out meticulously to ensure accurate measurements and proper documentation of radiation exposure.

Conclusion: Radiation Exposure in the Workplace

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) badges are revolutionizing the field of radiation detection. With their advanced technology, high sensitivity, and precise measurements, OSL badges offer a reliable and accurate solution for monitoring radiation exposure in various industries.

From healthcare facilities to nuclear power plants and industrial settings, OSL badges play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of workers and the public. Their applications are diverse, and their advantages over other radiation detection methods make them the preferred choice for many organizations.

Complying with regulatory requirements, choosing the right OSL badge provider, and implementing proper maintenance and calibration procedures are essential for maximizing the benefits of OSL badges.

As technology continues to advance, the future of radiation detection will undoubtedly see further developments in OSL dosimeter badge technology. With ongoing research and innovation, OSL badges will continue to evolve, providing even more accurate measurements and enhanced safety measures.

By embracing the future of radiation detection with OSL badges, you can ensure a safer work environment and peace of mind for you and your colleagues.

Does Cumulative Radiation Exposure Matter?

Does Cumulative Radiation Exposure Matter?

The short answer is YES! Keeping records of cumulative radiation exposure is crucial for several reasons, particularly for healthcare workers regularly exposed to radiation. By tracking and documenting the lifetime radiation dose, healthcare facilities can ensure their empDosimeter Badges Used in Radiology Healthcare professionalsloyees’ safety and well-being while complying with regulations set forth by organizations such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration). One primary reason for keeping records is to monitor the level of radiation exposure over time. Cumulative radiation exposure refers to the total amount of radiation an individual has been exposed to throughout their lifetime. By maintaining accurate records, healthcare workers can assess their current level of radiation exposure and take necessary precautions to minimize any potential health risks associated with excessive radiation.

Can It Protect Me from Potential Lawsuits?

Additionally, keeping track of cumulative radiation exposure allows healthcare facilities to comply with OSHA regulations. OSHA sets specific guidelines and standards regarding occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. These guidelines protect workers from potential health hazards associated with prolonged or excessive exposure. We suggest that these records be kept safe for an indefinite amount of time. Providing you have followed the guidelines and have kept proper documentation; it could help protect you and your practice. Furthermore, comprehensive records enable healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about work assignments and scheduling. By understanding each worker’s cumulative dose, employers can ensure that individuals are within recommended limits and reaching potentially harmful levels.
We have seen firsthand where doctors’ offices do not keep track of the radiation exposure of their employees. At a vet show, a woman told us she never takes the precautions outlined and does not wear a dosimeter badge or ring when using the x-ray equipment. When asked how long she had been doing her job, she said, “About 15 years”. She further said that she is in the operatory holding the animal when X-rays are being done. As an office manager or owner of a practice, it is important that your employees wear personal dosimeter badges and you keep good records.
1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). (n.d.). Ionizing Radiation.
Retrieved from
2. National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements (NCRP). (2019). NCRP Report No.
184: Medical Radiation Exposure of Patients in the United States.
Retrieved from

Radiation Shielding for the Medical Office

Medical offices need shielding and Dosimeter Badges, X-ray, and Radiation Detection Badges

Radiation Shielding

Radiation shielding utilized in medical offices is essential to ensuring the safety and well-being of patients and staff. With the growing use of X-rays, nuclear medicine, and other diagnostic imaging techniques, selecting suitable materials to block radiation and protect individuals from potential harm is crucial.

What is Radiation?

Radiation is a form of energy emitted by unstable atoms as they decay or transform into more stable forms. There are two main types of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation includes alpha, beta, gamma, and X-rays, while non-ionizing radiation comprises radio waves, microwaves, and visible light.

Ionizing Radiation Hazards

Ionizing radiation is particularly hazardous because it has enough energy to ionize atoms, potentially causing damage to DNA and other molecules within cells. This damage can lead to mutations, cancer, organ failure, and other severe health issues. As a result, it is crucial to protect individuals from excessive exposure to ionizing radiation.

Types of Radiation Shielding Materials

Traditional Lead (Pb) Shielding

Many medical offices utilize lead in their shielding with garments, shielding, and lead-lined walls. Lead is a dense, soft, and corrosion-resistant material widely used as a radiation shield for many years. Its high density makes it an effective barrier against X-rays and gamma rays. However, lead is not as effective in blocking alpha and beta radiation. Lead shielding materials are available in various forms, such as aprons, blankets, sheets, and bricks, and offer different levels of protection depending on the thickness.

Lead Composite Shielding

Lead composite materials combine lead and other lighter metals, such as tin, rubber, PVC vinyl, and proprietary attenuating metals (these materials may be reinforced with barriers). These materials are lighter (up to 25%) than traditional lead shielding and offer similar levels of protection. Lead composite shielding is available in garments such as aprons, vests, skirts, thyroid collars, and sheets. Always check with your RSO and contractor to ensure the correct materials are used. 

Non-Lead (Pb) and Lead-Free Shielding

Non-lead and lead-free shielding materials are an environmentally friendly and recyclable alternative to traditional lead-based materials. These materials are composed of heavy metals, such as tin (Sn), antimony (Sb), tungsten (W), and bismuth (Bi), which absorb or block radiation. Non-lead shielding materials offer similar levels of protection as lead-based materials and are available in garments, sheets, bricks, and other forms.

Selecting the Right Radiation Shielding Material

Choosing the suitable radiation shielding material for the medical office depends on several factors, including the type of radiation present, the frequency and duration of exposure, and the specific procedures performed. Here are some tips to help make an informed decision:

Assess the Type and Level of Radiation Exposure

Determine the types of radiation in the medical office and the levels of exposure that staff and patients may experience. Then, consult a radiation safety officer or physicist to select the appropriate shielding material for specific needs.

Consider the Frequency and Duration of Procedures

The frequency and duration of ionizing radiation procedures will impact the type of shielding material needed. For example, if the medical office frequently performs X-rays or other diagnostic imaging procedures, it may require a more robust and durable shielding material.

Evaluate the Comfort and Ease of Use

Comfort and ease of use are critical factors when selecting radiation shielding materials, particularly for staff-worn garments. Lightweight materials, such as lead composite or non-lead shielding, can be more comfortable and easier to wear than lead-based materials.

Factor in Environmental and Disposal Concerns

Lead is a hazardous substance that requires special disposal precautions. If environmental concerns are a priority for the medical office, consider using non-lead or lead-free shielding materials, as they are recyclable and safe for non-hazardous disposal.

Radiation Shielding Applications in Medical Offices

Radiation shielding materials can be used in various applications within medical offices to protect staff and patients from ionizing radiation exposure. Some typical applications include:

Diagnostic Imaging

X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and other diagnostic imaging procedures often involve ionizing radiation. Therefore, ensuring that both patients and technicians have proper protection is essential. Lead aprons, vests, and thyroid collars can protect against direct and scatter radiation during imaging procedures.

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine involves the use of radioactive isotopes for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Therefore, proper shielding is necessary to protect staff and patients from radiation exposure. Lead-lined storage containers, syringe shields, and waste disposal containers can minimize the risk of contamination.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy uses high-energy ionizing radiation to treat cancer and other diseases. Therefore, appropriate shielding is crucial to protect patients and staff from exposure. Lead shielding materials, including aprons and thyroid collars, can help protect individuals during treatment.

Dental Offices

Dental offices often use X-rays for diagnostic purposes, requiring patient and staff protection. Lead aprons, thyroid collars, and lead-lined walls or partitions can help minimize radiation exposure in dental settings.

Implementing a Radiation Protection Program

Developing and implementing a radiation protection program is an essential best practice for protecting workers from ionizing radiation. A radiation protection program may include the following:

Designation of a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)

An RSO is a qualified expert, such as a health physicist, responsible for overseeing and managing a medical office’s radiation protection policies and procedures. As always, for any specific questions about shielding or dosimeter badge use, always check with your RSO.

Establishment of a Radiation Safety Committee

A radiation safety committee should include the RSO, a management representative, and workers who work with radiation-producing equipment, radiation sources, or radioactive materials.

Equipment Registration and Licensing

Ensure radiation-producing equipment and radiation sources are registered and licensed according to federal and state regulatory requirements.

Personal Dosimetry Program

Implement a personal dosimetry program to monitor and record radiation exposure levels for staff working with ionizing radiation. offers the best prices along with the most accurate technology. 

Training and Education

Provide ongoing training and education for staff on radiation safety, physics, and best practices for protecting against radiation exposure.


Protecting medical office staff and patients from ionizing radiation is critical for maintaining a safe and healthy environment. By understanding the different types of radiation shielding materials available and assessing specific needs, you can select the best option for the medical office. Implementing a comprehensive radiation protection program will help ensure the safety of everyone involved and minimize the risks associated with ionizing radiation exposure. Check the FDA guidelines for the latest update on what is required, and consult with your RSO.

Tired of Dosimeter Badge Prices Going Up?

Tired of Dosimeter Badge Prices Going Up?

Tired of your dosimeter badge prices going up every year? Radiation Safety can help you establish a radiation dosimeter program and comply with radiation safety requirements. And what’s better?  Our service makes it siDosimeter Badge Cost-effective Solution | Radiation Safetymple to start or transfer from an existing lab. We ARE the most cost-effective solution and guarantee our prices for three years from the start date of your initial order! Our OSL dosimeter badges cost is worth your penny as they adhere to the industry standard and are the highest quality available and offer multiple solutions to your needs. We can serve a practice of one to a hospital chain of 1000. We do all types of industries and will help you be successful.

Our radiation detection badges are shockproof and water resilient. Small and stay out of the way while you do your work. They are ready to use as soon as they arrive. To further simplify the process, we offer our state-of-the-art “mydosereport” to read reports, make changes to your account and monitor the next set of dosimeter badges. Unlike many competitors, we do not charge hidden or excessive fees. Our team is ready to help you!

Call or email if we answer the phone or respond on the same business day. We will prove that our service is world-class and our team cares. So if you’re worried about dosimeter cost, we’re here to ease your worries away. Whatever your radiation detection needs, let us help you with the best service and the lowest dosimeter badge price. We guarantee! Call us today at 833-456-7233. 

What is a Dosimeter or Radiation Detection Badge?

What is a Dosimeter or Radiation Detection Badge?

What is a dosimeter badge or radiation detection badge?

What is a dosimeter or radiation detection badge? A radiation dosimeter badge, also known as an x-ray badge, are used by hospitals, labs, govt facilities, dentist, and vets. The passive dosimeter badge measures your radiation exposure from scatter ionizing radiation. The dosimeter badge identifies different radiation types, such as high-energy gamma, beta, or X-ray radiation. However, it cannot pick up on low-energy radiation from isotopes such as carbon-14, sulfur-35, or tritium1.

Radiation dosimeter badges do not protect you from radiation. Passive dosimeters calculate your total occupational radiation exposure so that your exposure stays within safe limits. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) outlines radiation thresholds above which radiation can become dangerous. These guidelines recommend radiation not exceeding 100 millisieverts (10 rem)2. Badges can help to ensure that your exposure does not exceed this amount.

This article will discuss the benefits of knowing your radiation exposure and how such information can help keep you safe at work.

Why should you wear a radiation detection badge?

Radiation can harm our tissues, primarily affecting our genetic material known as DNA. It damages DNA by breaking important bonds and water molecules in and around our DNA. When this occurs, free radicals are released. Free radicals are substances that can seriously injure your cells and organs3. Radiation is particularly harmful at higher doses. Though we receive low doses of radiation from our natural environment, we can also expose ourselves to radiation on the job. When exposed to radiation on the job, tracking your radiation dose to ensure that it is within safe limits is essential. High radiation doses increase your likelihood of radiation-associated health risks. For example, high radiation exposure has been linked to:

  • Cancer
  • Fetal harm
  • Death4

Wearing a radiation detection badge can also give you peace of mind that you are not putting yourself at risk while at work. For example, operating fluoroscopy units or X-ray machines may expose you to high-energy radiation. Likewise, you may be worried about the risks associated with your job and how your work may affect your cancer risk or other complications.

By wearing a radiation detection badge, you can know the amount of radiation you or your employees are exposed to while working. Having your employees wear badges helps minimize potential fraudulent lawsuits, as many healthcare workers who get cancer direct it back to radiation exposure in the workplace. Radiation detection badges do not just give peace of mind to employees who work around radiation but also to their employers. By utilizing badges and monitoring radiation appropriately, the likelihood of illness due to radiation exposure is low. When radiation is within safe limits, employees will be less likely to develop complications due to their work. Therefore, they will be less likely to sue their employer for a hazardous workplace. Additionally, having employees wear radiation detection badges ensures the employer does their due diligence to keep their workers safe.Order your x-ray badges today!


  1. Personal radiation dosimeter. (n.d.). Retrieved June 23, 2022, from
  2. US EPA, O. (2014, November 12). Radiation health effects [Overviews and Factsheets].
  3. CDC. (2015, December 7). Health effects of radiation: Health effects depend on the dose. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  4. CDC. (2021, August 9). Health effects of radiation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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