Cost Effective Radiation Dosimeter Badges and Rings
We offer cost-effective solutions for dosimeter badges and dosimeter rings. Dosimeters play an essential part in worker safety in various industries. Anywhere that x-rays or ionizing radiation are used, workers can be exposed. Throughout their career, workers can accumulate dangerous levels of radiation. Cumulative radiation can have a devastating impact on their bodies. It’s crucial to provide your staff with dosimeter badges and have them monitored by an accredited dosimeter lab. Radiation Safety offers industrial radiation protection by utilizing OSL dosimetry badges (known for their accuracy and quality), which are simple to use.
Stay safe—Order dosimeter badges for your workers and give them the necessary radiation monitoring. There are many industrial uses for radiation, and often workers aren’t even aware that they are receiving potentially harmful levels of scatter radiation exposure.
Typical uses of radioactive materials in industrial settings include:
- Material density evaluation
- Quality control
- Product sterilization.
- Static elimination
- Mail processing
- Welding
Radiation sources used in these processes include sealed-source radioactive materials and radiation-producing machines. Any workers around radiation-emitting processes should wear dosimeter badges or extremity rings. For more information on worker safety, check with OSHA compliance for your industry. Radiation Safety OSL dosimeter badges for industrial radiation protection are accurate, easy to use, and monitored by our accredited lab to keep your employees protected and your business OSHA compliant. Why Choose Radiation Safety, LLC for Industrial Radiation Protection Badges and Dosimeter Rings? Our radiation detection company is trusted by government agencies as well as some of the most popular companies needing radiation detection badges and rings. Our clients across the globe trust us for their industrial radiation protection dosimetry badge and monitoring needs. Here’s why:
- Get your radiation badges fast and your quarterly reports even faster.
- Quarterly monitoring of our OSL dosimeter badges by our accredited lab costs $62 each year. Prices are lower based on how many dosimeters your order.
- Customize badges, change users, or cancel your services at any time.
Order your industrial radiation protection today!