As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)

Since our beginning, we have seen many users of ionizing radiation not practicing ALARA – as low as reasonably achievable. The ALARA principle is based on a linear-no-threshold dose model and is the foundation of a program to keep radiation exposure at a minimum. ALARA programs are required for all radiation protection programs by federal and state rules and regulations. ALARA is suggesDosimeter Badges, X-ray, and Radiation Detection Badgested to protect people from exposure to radiation and the environment from additional and unintended release of radioactive materials. 

Three Tecniques of ALARA

Three techniques in an ALARA program are time, distance, and shielding. These three principles should be implemented when working with ionizing radiation.

Time: Limit or minimize the time you are exposed to radiation. The radiation dose is linearly correlated to the length of time you are exposed to radiation. The longer the exposure, the more damage. Radiation burns from X-rays, alpha rays, or gamma rays can happen quickly and cause painful and dangerous injuries. 

Distance: Limit or minimize the proximity to the source of radiation. The closer the exposure, the more damage. The severity of injury due to radiation exposure exponentially decreases comparatively to the distance to the source. 

Shielding: Devices can protect from radioactivity. Shielding works because of the principle of attenuation, the gradual decrease of energy’s intensity through a medium, by absorbing radiation between the source of radioactivity and the location to be protected. Radiation shielding comes in many forms, including the lead in aprons, glasses, walls, and shields. 

Additionally, ALARA programs can incorporate techniques to limit radiation exposure, including controlling contamination, minimizing airborne hazards, proper hygiene, and using the correct PPE.

Good Practices and Preparation

Controlling Contamination: If a spill or exposure to radioactive materials occurs, it is essential to manage it quickly with absorbent papers and spill trays disposed of in a labeled waste container. Radioactive materials should have proper labels and containers before a spill occurs to limit possible contamination. Adequate training and having spill kits available can make a difference.

Minimizing Airborne Hazards: During or after a spill or when working with gaseous substances, measures should be taken to reduce airborne contamination. Using ventilation hoods and avoiding aerosols minimizes the potential to breathe in radioactive particles.

Proper Hygiene: You reduce radiation hazards by exercising good hygiene and cleanliness at work and home. It is not advised to eat or drink when radioactive substances are present. Do not put your hands near your mouth or nose or touch your eyes in the presence of radiation. These simple practices help reduce internal radiation exposure. 

PPE: Personal protective equipment should be worn in all circumstances around radioactivity. Gloves, a lab coat, goggles, and shielding devices should be worn. Not using PPE effectively will lead to ineffective practices and protection. In addition, an instrument for measuring radiation (dosimeters), like those sold at Radiation Safety, LLC, should be included in PPE.  

Implementing these ALARA techniques and educating staff to utilize them should minimize radiation exposure and keep radioactive doses as low as reasonably achievable. As always, check with your RSO. Radiatioin Safety, LLC is a radiation detection company that provides instruments for measuring radiation with radiation dosimeter badges and rings. 

