How to Wear a Dosimeter Badge & Ring
How to Wear a Dosimeter Badge & Ring Knowing how to wear a dosimeter badge & ring could make the difference in your safety. Working with ionizing radiation can be hazardous without proper dose tracking and monitoring. Therefore, it is essential for medical...
Tired of Dosimeter Badge Prices Going Up?
Tired of Dosimeter Badge Prices Going Up? Tired of your dosimeter badge prices going up every year? Radiation Safety can help you establish a radiation dosimeter program and comply with radiation safety requirements. And what’s better? Our service makes it simple to...
What is a Dosimeter or Radiation Detection Badge?
What is a dosimeter badge or radiation detection badge? What is a dosimeter or radiation detection badge? A radiation dosimeter badge, also known as an x-ray badge, are used by hospitals, labs, govt facilities, dentist, and vets. The passive dosimeter badge measures...
What is a TLD dosimeter? Dosimetry is the process of measuring radiation. Multiple instruments are available that detect and measure the presence of radiation in a laboratory, handheld or worn, like a dosimeter badge or ring from When ionizing...
What is ALARA
What is ALARA? You may have heard or seen ALARA and are unsure of its meaning. Regarding radiation doses, ALARA stands for “as low as reasonably achievable.” is a radiation detection company that provides instruments for measuring radiation in the...
X-Ray, Gamma, and Beta Radiation Dosimeters
X-Ray, Gamma, and Beta Radiation Dosimeters for Medical Personnel Radiation exposure comes in various forms, including X-rays, gamma rays, and beta particles. Dosimeters used by medical professionals measure multiple types of ionizing radiation while keeping medical...
What Should I Know About Wearing a Dosimeter Badge?
What Should I Know About Wearing a Dosimeter Badge? There are proper ways to wear a dosimeter badge to ensure it functions properly. Dosimeter badges, like those from, monitor your radiation exposure, but only if worn correctly. So, what should...
Where To Buy A Radiation Dosimeter?
Where can x-ray techs buy radiation dosimeters? Where can x-ray techs buy radiation dosimeter service? Finding the right place to purchase radiation dosimeters can be challenging. As an x-ray tech or office manager, you balance the care of your patients and your...
Dosimeter Badge Pricing
Dosimeter Badge Pricing. Most Labs Have Increased Their Prices! Dosimeter badge pricing goes up along with other medical device expenses. As a healthcare provider, you are going to feel it! Many factors are involved with the increase in the price of medical devices....
Radiation in Everyday Life
We Are Exposed to Natural Occurring Radiation We are exposed to radiation in every life, in the simple things we do. By understanding where and what radiation is, you can implement tips to protect yourself against some of the hidden dangers. There are two...